A Good Editor Is Hard To Come By

Library shelf full of books

Go over to your bookshelf and grab a book at random. Or if you prefer the digital, pull up an ebook at random. Head to the back of the book where you’re typically going to find the Acknowledgements. Now take a look through there and then grab another book and then another. Most likely these books were published by major or even mid-major publishing companies and who is the one person that all these authors are always acknowledging? Their editor.

Working with a publisher, your work will get reviewed by experienced editors familiar with the latest trends… but most of us haven’t got a publishing contract. For the average writer, good feedback can be hard to find (and harder to afford). Depending on the type of editing you’re looking for, you’re looking at a minimum of $1000-$3000 per book. Larger or more advanced works are going to cost significantly more. 

That’s where StoryForge can help you out. Instead of waiting until your entire story is published, you can share small pieces on the platform for fellow writers to discover and critique.  Other writers can give valuable perspective, from tiny issues like grammar to big, abstract issues like defining characters. Sometimes what we think has translated well from our minds to paper isn’t as clear to everyone else. 

A fresh set of eyes can even help you see your work in a new light. A character or plot point that you might have felt was weak could actually end up being everyone’s favorite part. There’s always a chance your side character could be just as impactful as one of your main characters and you didn’t even realize it. Instead of learning what the people want after your book is finished, you can make the adjustment in real-time and avoid having to redo the entire thing. 

So sign up for StoryForge today and help us rewrite how the publishing industry works from top to bottom. 


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