January changelog

At the request of our Discord server, I’m adding our changelog (written by Tate) for every month to the Updates blogs. Now you’ll be able to see how our writing platform has evolved since our launch on January 31st, 2024! - Sabrina

RELEASE NOTES - StoryForge Beta 1.0 (build 13) - 2024-01-31

The app is up and ready!! You can write, read, edit, and share your stories, organize them into shelves, and customize your library!

Stories are private by default unless you choose to share them.

As a token of our gratitude for joining the community so early, everyone who joins will receive a bucket of Quills to start customizing your library. You can get more Quills by completing your daily tasks or visiting the Ad Theater (by clicking the movie film icon in the upper right corner of your library screen). We are actively working on options to allow you to purchase more Quills if you run out - in addition to adding more choices to the library customization screen!

Known issues (this is a beta, after all!):

The library customization screen does not currently work on mobile devices. Please use a tablet or desktop screen to customize your library.

Stories are currently displaying a placeholder instead of a cover image. We are working on making story cover selections available in February.

Similarly, everyone is currently set up with a Draft the Cat avatar - but you will be able to change your avatar to a different mascot in February. There will be some exclusive avatar options just for beta users!


February changelog


Why Can’t I Change My Profile Picture? (And more questions from Beta users)